The Magic of Green Tea: An Ancient Panacea for a Modern World



By Dustin Siena

Frequent trips to a franchise coffee house to pick up a tall late, with an extra couple shots of expresso seem to be a common phenomena these days. We simply cannot get enough stimulation. Our minds must exceed the speed that we weave in and out of traffic on the freeway at, as our caffeine concentrated bloodstream delivers the much needed jolt of this wide consumed drug to all the organs throughout our body. Whether your vice is coffee or cola, they both share something in common.


They both contain an extremely high level of one of the most powerful drugs that we covet. Caffeine. Everybody craves it, and small fortunes are being made in exploiting it.

But could there be another, more healthier source of caffeine ? One that could perhaps nurture our soul, strengthen our body, open our hearts, and make us taller, stronger, faster, and better looking during the process ?

The Answer: Think Green Tea


With the advent of technology, our quest for speed and stimulation has reached epidemic proportions. Consumer expectation has driven us to work harder, faster, and more efficiently. In this age of the information superhighway, as we have more access to advanced information and technological wizardry, we seem to somehow become disconnected from the wisdom of our ancient ancestors. Their invention and adaptability to their environment existed without the creature comforts that we have come to consider basic necessity.

Green Tea: A Sensory Pleasure


Nature has given us an extraordinary substance which can give us a different kind of stimulation. A feeling which is pleasurable to the senses, without producing edginess. We can elevate our awareness and consciousness, without making ourselves nervous. We can expand our imagination and possibility, solve complex problems, in a patient and joyful manner. This substance will even nourish our nervous systems, so as to prevent over stimulation. We can detach ourselves from the limitations of negativity, and negative thoughts and feelings. We can utilize this nourishment to be reflective and meditate, or engage in activity, whether physical or mental. This is just one effect that Green Tea, (Camillia Sinsensis) can provide to our spirit.


Tea: The most popular beverage in the world.


While it is common fact that tea is the most widely drank substance in the world, unfortunately, this type of tea is black tea. While Black Tea does possess health benefits, superior to coffee, it does not have the powerful health benefits of Green tea.



There is a myriad of mythology surrounding the discovery and wide spread usage of tea, throughout the world. While the history varies from culture to culture, since the focus of this information relates to Chinese Medicine, we shall focus on the history and mythology, as it has evolved from ancient China.


One of the great heroes of Chinese Medicine, is a man by the name of Shen Nong. He is considered the father of Chinese herbology, and was also an Emperor of China, about during the time of Moses. During his life, he often boiled his water before he drank it. He believed this to be the best way to drink water. One day, a leaf from a nearby bush accidentally fell into his pot of boiling water. He was so happy with the decoction that he had drunk, and thought it to be a great improvement from just plain boiling water. This event is considered one of the pivotal events in Green Tea folklore,

Green Tea, Black Tea & Oolong Tea: What is the Difference?


Green Tea, Oolong Tea, and Black Tea, are all the same plant, Camillia Sinensis. What separates them in their color, aroma, taste, function, health benefits, and level of stimulation is the way in which they are processed.

Green Tea undergoes virtually very little processing after the fresh leaves have been plucked. Immediately, the enzymes need to be inactivated, which would otherwise auto-oxidize the tea, transforming the tea into Oolong or Black Tea. For Green Tea, the fresh tea leaves are usually steamed. This again prevents the leaves from oxidation, which would change their nature.

The difference with Black tea and Oolong Tea is that the leaves are allowed to oxidize. This transformation is produced in nature, by natural enzymes that occur in the leaves. In Black Tea, the oxidation process is lengthier than in Oolong Tea. Oolong Tea is just partially auto-oxidized. The practice of this process is actually recent, occuring in the mid-nineteenth century, making Oolong a recent creation in the tea world. Unfortunately, in both these teas, the auto-oxidation process that occurs destroys many of the polyphenols, which were originally present in the tea leaves. This degrades the Tea’s great health benefits. Also, in the oxidation process for both Black tea and Oolong Tea, the caffeine levels are increased, as the polyphenols levels are decreased, inversely. However, this oxidation process in Green Tea is inhibited, preserving all the healing substances found in the leaves, making Green Tea the highest in polyphenols, and the least in caffeine. Green Tea also has many other unique substances, which fortify its powerful therapeutic effect on the body, spirit, and mind.


A couple of words about Caffeine


In terms of Tea, Black Tea has been thought to have the highest caffeine content of all tea. This is actually untrue. Green tea has more caffeine. However it must be understood that the caffeine in Green Tea, because of the other compounds, functions in a very special and balancing way. The caffeine in Green Tea is surrounding by tannic acid compounds, which inhibit the caffeine from surging all at once into our bloodstream. In a sense, the caffeine in green tea is time released into our bloodstream. This time-release effect makes the stimulation that is experienced very gentle and pleasant. It also allows us to feel the effects of Green tea for an extended period of time, seeming to outlast the effects of our friends, who are drinking coffee or cola. The effect of Green Tea is free of agitation and nervousness, and it’s blissful stimulation feels good to our senses.

Ingredients in Green Tea

While there are probably many undiscovered ingredients in Green tea, there are some principal substances, which have been confirmed. Polyphenols, which are anti-oxidants, are one of the more well-known substances in Green Tea. It is thought that the various types of polyphenols in green Tea contribute greatly to the health benefits. The types of polyphenols can further be broken down into catechins. This represents over 30% of the contents found in Green tea. It has been found that the catechins in Green tea, in terms of anti-oxidant activity, are two hundred times stronger than that of Vitamin E.

ECGG (Epigallocatechingallate), one of the polyphenols in Green tea, shares similar properties to that of aspirin. It can prevent the accumulation of platelets from causing obstruction in the veins. This ability to prevent blot clotting can be effective in prevention of cardiovascular anomalies such as heart attacks, and strokes.

ECGG has also has been found to have a profound impact on stopping the formation of Lung Cancer in Japan. Those who smoke might consider drinking Green Tea, as an adjunct, to prevent future illness.


Diabetics and those wishing to keep their blood sugar levels in check should consider consumption of Green tea. ECGG can also help regulate blood sugar levels. .

The polyphenols can help prevent the formation of plaque. It can help destroy the formation of Streptococcus bacteria in the mouth. In combination with the flouride, and Vitamin C in Green Tea, this can serve as an invaluable ally in the fight against gum disease, cavities, and tooth decay.

Some other active ingredients include:


Flouride: Up to 1 mg can be found in a cup of Green Tea. This mineral can strengthen bones and teeth, and help prevent the cavity formation.

 Trace amounts can help create a buffer against gastric acids which can help prevent and treat stomach maladies such as irritation and heartburn

Manganese: Can help strengthen bones, and enhance our ability to absorb calcium. Many people with osteoporosis can benefit from the naturally occuring manganese in Green tea.

Tannic Acid Compounds: This bitter substance helps slow down the release of caffeine in Green Tea. This is what allows Green Tea to produce such a gentle and smooth stimulation. Tannic acid can also help remove toxins from our intestines and stomach.

Saponins: These substances are quite effective in preventing fats from entering into our blood stream. This is helpful in lowering cholesterol, and staying fit. Green Tea is used in many thermogenic formulas to help people lose weight. Part of this function comes from the saponins ability to enhance fat metabolism. This is one of the reasons Green Tea is a powerful catalyst in weight-loss programs.

Thiamine: Considered a B vitamin, this substance can help induce a joyful state, alleviating stress, and almost acting as a slight narcotic. In combination with the caffeine, this is what allows Green tea to produce such a unique and euphoric state.

Vitamin C: Adequate amount of Vitamin C are found in Green tea, resistant to the heat, which usually it is vulnerable to. Increasing collagen synthesis, having anti-inflammatory effects, lowering LDL cholesterol, and strengthening our immune system, all are effects of Vitamin C. Vitamin C also has a protectant effect upon our gums, preventing gingivitis.

Theanine: This amino acid constitutes about half of the amino acid profile in a cup of Green Tea. This not only makes Green tea delicious and aromatic, but also allows better absorption of the antioxidants in the tea, polyphenols. According to research, theanine has been found to enhance some anti-cancer drugs, while reducing side effects.

Aromatic Oils: The aromatic oils provide us with the delicious taste, and aroma that makes Green Tea so wonderful. They also help induce a blissful state of worry-free feelings, softening the effect of the caffeine. This is why it is important to never use boiling water on top of Green tea leaves. This destroys many of the valuable substances, including the aromatic and volatile oils, which are essential.

Health Benefits
Simplicity is always dynamic. Drinking Green Tea throughout the day has a positive impact on virtually every system in your body including: cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, lymphatic, immune, urinary-genital, and musculoskelatal systems. Few substances can boast the broad-spectrum impact that Green Tea has on our bodies and spirits.

Regulating cholesterol levels, increasing HDL levels (the “good” cholesterol), and lowering LDL levels (the “bad” cholesterol), will protect our hearts. Preventing blood clots will maintain the smooth flow of blood through our veins, preventing strokes, angina, and heart attacks.

Through its bitter substances, Green tea harmonizes our digestion, balances our intestines and stomach, and aids our digestion.


Green tea has substances which help destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This keeps our immune systems toned, constantly working at its optimal level.

Green tea strengthens our teeth and bones, preventing us from future maladies such as osteoporosis, and tooth decay.

Substances in Green tea help us stay fit, by metabolizing fat. By preventing obesity, we help ward off a plethora of diseases, which are secondary to obesity.

ImageProducing a state of clarity, and divine inspiration without jitters, Green tea keeps us happy and positive. The happier we are, the more endorphins and enkephalins we produce. These are the feel good neuro chemicals that are produced when we fall in love, eat chocolate, and laugh!


Green tea also maintains a youthful appearance, tightening the skin, protecting our skin from harmful ultraviolet sunrays, keeping us youthful.

Tea Bags vs. Bulk


To engage in the ultimate and complete Green tea experience, please do not use tea bags. The aroma, vitamin and mineral content is simply lacking. The idea that using tea bags is better than not drinking green tea at all is not a sound argument. You must use fresh leaves in order to benefit fully.

Bulk Green tea can be purchased at your local Chinatown, or mail order. While there are endless varieties of Green Tea from different farmers, regions, and grades, my personal favorite is Lung Ching (“Dragon’s Well”). This is one of the most famous Green Teas. This is a Chinese version, whereas in Japan, Matcha is one of more popular Green teas.

There are many other varieties of Green Tea, just as there are endless types of wine, which can further be broken down into red, white, and blush. Tea can generally be broken down into Green, Black, and Oolong. And within each category, there are the very basic, and then there are the very expensive connoisseur teas. These are wonderful to share with loved ones, and on special occasions, very much like the way you would save a special bottle of wine for something important and meaningful. The beauty of tea is that at most tea shops, or at your local China Town, you can ask for an ounce of a very expensive tea, that would normally cost $ 500 per pound. It may only cost you $ 5 to sample this sublime substance.

I would recommend starting with Lung Ching, which generally costs about $ 30 for a pound. This will last for a while, and should be stored in a sealed vat, away from heat. And since each teaspoon can generally be brewed 3-4 times, tea is extremely economical.

Preparation of Green Tea

This is a complex area, which depends largely on the desired effect you wish to achieve (stimulatory or calming, mild taste or strong). There are actually different styles of preparing Green Tea.

For a Stimulating Effect


If you wish to have a stimulating cup of fresh Green Tea, use 1 teaspoon of leaves into one cup of 140 Degree Farenheit, hot water. After boiling the water, letting the water cool for about 5 minutes, usually does the trick. Let the first batch steep for ninety seconds. You can let it steep for up to three minutes, for a stimulating effect. However, the Japanese tend to look down upon brewing tea for this long. They prefer no longer than ninety seconds. You can experiment trying anywhere between ninety seconds, up to three minutes of steeping time.

To Have a Relaxing Effect


Let boiling water cool for about five minutes. Then pour the water (about 140 F), onto 1 teaspoon of leaves. Let it steep for about sixty seconds, and then immediately pour out the tea. Repeat the same step again, but this time let the tea steep for about 3 minutes. This method tends to accentuate the tannic acid content, which inhibits the caffeine. This is a nice method to use before meditation, or even sleep.

Longevity & Happiness


As you venture into the world of tea, a magical kingdom of bliss awaits you. Your overall quality of well being will increase, and you will gradually notice changes in virtually all facets of your life. I encourage you to try different varieties of Green Tea. Like wine, tea is very personal to the individual.

You will be pleasantly surprised as to how integrating Green tea into your life not only expands the level of possibility throughout your life, but also extends your longevity so that you can realize all your dreams, and fulfill them.

By Dustin Siena, L.Ac.

Copyright Dustin Siena 2002

Live over 100 Years Old -Eat The Magical Hunza Apricot: Volume II, Fruitworld

In this pristine Valley….

Hidden is a a real yet sublime & magical Apricot, called the Hunza.


We could take a few lessons from the indigenous people and traditional cultures which grace our planet, such as the Hunza.

Their beautiful wisdom, spirits, and dietary habits are way more developed than any of the developed nations on the face of the earth; the proof is in their radiance & longevity.


There are a people who are strong, fearless, and understand their relationship to their environment.

They can see as far as Eagles.

There heart beats strong and beautifully.

They often live longer than 100 years.


These people all share something very special in common. A staple of which virtually every aspect of their society is based. They are known as the “Hunza”. And their staple is the “Hunza” Apricot.

No foreign legion has been able to truly colonize & conquer this region since Alexander the Great. The air is thin. The people are fierce. And they live a long time. They are the Hunza.

The Hunza people eat dried apricots, apricot seed oil, roasted apricot kernels as their main dietary foods.

These Hunza-Kots are not very large, but pack a punch of nutrients. They are the magical fruit.

This sublime treasure of Northern Pakistan is unique; it’s a product of the valley’s elevation, longitude, latitude, climate. Also the plant & animal life that it co-habitates with contribute to it’s nutrient profile.

It is not just an Apricot. It’s a Hunza Apricot.

And science will never truly comprehend the science behind what makes it truly special.

As a side note, most varieties of Apricots are considered to have kernals that are poisonous or toxic.

As a Chinese Herbalist, I remember in one of my first herb classes learning about Apricot Kernel (“Tao Ren”) and Peach Kernel (“Xing Ren”). Both of these kernels are used in Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.

Apricot Kernel or Apricot Seed (“Tao Ren”) is considered by many Doctors of Chinese Medicine to be one of the most powerful blood activators in the Herbal Pharmacopia — it is used to help eliminate stagnation and has a very powerful “activating” property.

Peach Kernel or Peach Seed (“Xing Ren”) appears in many Lung Herbal Medicinal Formulas to help eliminate cough and support the Lungs.

The Treasure of the Valley – Hunza Apricot

The legendary and special Hunza Apricot is not only the very essence of the Hunza Civilization, the Hunza Apricot Kernel or Pit, is NOT toxic.

In fact, the Hunza people proudly and routinely EAT the Hunza Apricot Kernel / Pit.

YES, you heard it correct! The Hunza Apricot Kernel / Pit is EDIBLE.

Curiously, Big Pharma got a whiff of the Hunza Magic, and created a drug called “Laetril” / “Amygdalin.”

The drug company sold this drug for the treatment of cancer. The pharmaceutical drug Laetril was basically an attempt by Big Pharma to copy the ingredients in the Hunza Apricot Kernel, which is eaten by the Hunza people daily.

And cancer is almost non-existent among the Hunza people.

One thing is clear; the Hunza has life extending properties as proof of the radiant health and long life that the Hunza people share — they generally all seem to live way past 100 years old.

The Hunza Apricots kernels are sweet and edible when roasted.

Is this the secret behind the legendary long life spans of the Hunza people ?

What is it about the Hunza Apricot that seems to have mystical & magical powers ?

Botanists and Horticulturists from the USDA have travelled to the Hunza region in the Northern Pakistan region and procured samples of these magical and famous Apricot varieties growing there.

Upon their return, the USDA researchers attempted to answer this mystery. Nothing conclusive yet.

So many things contribute to the special qualities of a fruit. The location of the tree takes in everything around it that grows in the ground.

The minerals, herbs, other fruits, trees, and animals that live in the area affect the organism. All these ingredients, plus the longitude and latitude, elevation all figure into this complex equation.

This is possibly why certain regions in the world are famous for their wines. The same reasons. The grape vines take in everything around it, consume it, and are influenced by it — giving it a unique personality and signature, just like a human soul. A baby is a product of not only it’s scientific genetics from father & mother, but immensely affected by the environment in which the mother is in during pregnancy, the diet the mother partakes in, and affected by all the cumulative experiences the mother has during pregnancy.

All organisms share this magic.

We are a product of everything around us, near us, and that crosses paths with us.

Why are Hunza Apricots so powerful ?

Hunza fruits are smaller apricots, and many feel they are too small for commercial usage. This is probably why you do not see them in your local produce section at the supermarket.


Apricots in general are wonderful and regardless of the variety will contain a full spectrum of minerals, which many fruits contain. Minerals such as trace amounts of Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sodium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium.

Apricots are jam-packed with phytosterols. Random samplings of Apricots have been found to have β-sitosterol, α-tocopherol, stigma sterol, ergosterol.

What are Phytosterols ? Basically when you hear this word, think “cholesterol.” These are specific to plants. The main difference is chemistry and some carbon side chains & the presence or absence of a double bond.

You may be familiar with vegetable oils and products made from them such as nuts. Nuts are super rich in Phytosterols. Cereals, fruits, berries actually may offer one of the most significant sources of phytosterols.

So vegans and vegetarians — no worries!

A good solid & thoughtful vegetarian diet can include somewhere around 700mg per day of Phytosterols.

Many health experts and scientists believe that Phytosterols have the ability to Lower Cholesterol, as per experiments done in 1953 on humans. Big Pharma even made a drug called Cytellin in 1954, for the treatment of elevated Cholesterol, based on Phytosterols. The drug was available from 1954-1982.

Phytosterols, having multiple actions and mechanisms, also may possibly inhibit lung, stomach, ovarian and breast cancers. Phytosterols have been proven to inhibit carcinogen production, cancer-cell growth, angiogenesis, and ultimately impact metastasis. This is the word used to describe the spreading of a cancer in the body. Because Phytosterols may increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the body, oxidative stress is greatly reduced.

The most common Phytosterols are β-sitosterol, campesterol and stigma sterol.

Catechin, Rutin, Resveratrol, Myricetin, Morin, Kaempferol all are present in many Apricot varieties. One major thing phenolic compounds achieve in the body is lipid peroxidation. They are fat busters basically.

You may have heard of Resveratrol, as it’s a hugely popular supplement available in the health food stores. Red wine, Green Tea are famous for this as well, but an Apricot a day may be the best way to hedge your heart beats and bets — and stay heart smart and healthy.

Think Anti-Oxidant. Think Photochemical. Basically these antioxidants number in over 4,000 distinct species and kick ass in their chosen profession. They have the ability to affect cell to cell signaling, receptor sensitivity, inflammatory enzyme activity and even gene regulation. Whaaaaa whaaaaa ? Sweeeeeeet!

Green Tea is one of the superstars when it comes to Polyphenols.

Other sources include honey, legumes, most dark pigmented berries like Blueberries and Blackberries. When you hear Polyphenol think color and dark.

Fruits include Pomegranate, cherries, cranberries, grapes, plums, raspberries, strawberries. Vegetables include broccoli, parsley.

And of course Red wine, chocolate, white tea, green tea, olive oil are some of the heavy hitters that people have heard about when it comes to the buzz word “Anti-Oxidant.”

What is super cool is the evolution component at play here.

Plants Make their their Own Vitamin C

About 500 million years ago, freshwater and terrestrial plants started to “learn” how to internally manufacture things like Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), polyphenols (a flavonoid is a polyphenol), and tocopherols.

In fact recently, 50-200 million years ago, certain fruits & flowers of angiosperm. ANGIOSPERM ? Is that a whale with a big heart ? No, it is the dominant plant of today and most their COLOR or PIGMENT (ANTI-OXIDANT POWERS), evolved during the period when the Dinosaurs roamed (Jurassic period).

First a Flavonoid is a type of Polyphenol. When you hear FLAVONOID think PIGMENT. This is what gives plants their beautiful and rich color.

One of the more famous players is Quercetin, a bioflavonoid, that is thought to modify allergens, bacteria, viruses, and carcinogens. Quercetin also in vitro has demonstrated anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, anti-cancer, and anti-diarrheal activities.

Think ABCDEK. The full Aphabet Soup of Vitamins!

These are the main Vitamins in Apricots.

Vitamin A is abundant in most Apricots. Also Vitamin C, D, E and K are present. Many of the B-Complex vitamins that you would find in a vitamin such as Riboflavin, Niacin, B6, Folate, B12, Pantothenic Acid and Choline can be found in Apricots.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the ABC’s of the basic vitamins that are bursting out of most Apricot varieties:

(Average of 96 μg in 1 Apricot)
• Vision
• Gene Transcription
• Immune Function
• Embryonic development,
• Bone Metabolism
• Haematopoiesis
• Skin & Cellular Health
• Anti-Oxidant Acitivity

Sources: (Non-Animal Only)

Dandelion Greens 5588 IU
Carrots 835 μg
Broccoli 800 μg
Sweet Potato 709μg


The Family
B1: Thiamine
B2: Riboflavin
B3: Niacin or Niacinamide
B5: Pantothenic Acid
B6: Pyridoxine
B7: Biotin
B9: Folic Acid
B12: Cobalamins; cyanocobalamin

• Supports Healthy Metabolism
• Essential for Immune System
• Food for the Nervous System
• Maintains Skin, Hair and Muscle tone


Kombucha, whole grains, potatoes, bananas, lentils, chili peppers, tempeh, beans, nutritional yeast, brewers yeast, nmolasses

Animal Products such as Turkey, Tuna, and Liver.

B12 difficult to find for Vegetarians or Non-Animal Sources. Many use Spirulina and claim it has pound for pound, highest amount of Vitamin B12. This has been contested in scientific study, and scientists disagree, saying that this is untrue.

Yeast Extract may be the best bed for Vegans. Marmite, popular in Britain & Europe, packs 0.5 μg per teaspoon. This may offer the highest amount for a “Vegan.”

A poor 2nd choice, since it will not fulfill a Vegan dietary requirement, but may satisfy some basic vegetarian dietary needs is Cheese.

Cheese is a very good source of B12, packing around 3.34μg per 100g serving.

For VEGANS, we advise supplementing your diet with a Vitamin B12 supplement from the health food store at this time.

We cannot fully endorse Spirulina, and realize that Vitamin B12 deficiency can be common in Vegans who do not take a Vitamin B12 supplement. They run the risk of getting anemia, nervous system damage, heart disease factors and possible pregnancy complications.

The Vegan Society advises that all VEGANS do ONE of the following:

• Eat Fortified foods 2 or 3 times a day to get at least three (3) micrograms (mcg) of B12 a day
• Take one (1) B12 supplement daily providing at least 10 micrograms
• Take a Weekly B12 supplement providing at least 2000 micrograms

• Potent Anti-Oxidant
• Supports Collagen Synthesis
• Immune System Modulator: Phagocytes, Cytokines, and Lynphocytes
• Anti-Histamine


(Non-Animal Sources, per 100g Serving)
Kakadu Plum 1000-5300mg
Camu Camu 2800 mg
Acerola 1677 mg
Seabuckthorn 695 mg
Mica Miro 500 mg
Indian Gooseberry 445 mg
Rose Hip 426 mg
Baobab 400 mg
Chili Pepper 244 mg
Guava (common, raw) 228 mg
Black Current 200 mg
Red Pepper 190 mg
Kiwifruit 90 mg
Broccoli 90 mg
Loganberry 80 mg
Redcurrant 80 mg
Brussel Sprouts 80 mg
Wolfberry (Goji Berry) 73 mg
Lychee 70 mg
Persimmon (native, raw) 66 mg
Cloudberry 60 mg
Elderberry 60 mg
Papaya 60 mg
Strawberry 60 mg
Orange 50 mg
Kale 41 mg
Lemon 40 mg
Melon (Caneloupe) 40 mg
Cauliflower 40 mg

Garlic 31 mg
Grapefruit 30 mg
Rasberry 30 mg
Tangerine 30 mg
Mandarin Orange 30 mg
Passion Fruit 30 mg
Spinach 30 mg
Cabbage (raw green) 30 mg
Lime 30 mg
Mango 28 mg
Blackberry 21 mg
Potato 20 mg
Melon (Honeydew) 30 mg
Tomato (red) 13 mg
Cranberry 13 mg
Blueberry 10 mg
Pineapple 10 mg
Pawpaw 10 mg
*Apricot 10mg
Grape 10 mg
Plum 10 mg
Watermelon 10 mg
Banana 9mg
Carrot 9mg
Avocado 8 mg
Crabaple 8 mg
Persimmon (Japanese, fresh) 7 mg
Onion 7 mg
Cherry 7 mg
Peach 7 mg
Apple 6 mg
Pear 4 mg
Fig 2 mg
Bilberry 1 mg

• Secosteroid, Prohormone
• Sunsine provides it in the form of D3
• Too much or Too Little may cause Abnormal Functioning & Premature Aging
• Bone Health
• Cardiovascular
• Asthma
• Multiple Scleroris
• Infections
• Hair Health
• Rickets, Osteomalacia

Toxicity: More than 50,000 IU can produce toxicity after several months


Alfalfa, Shoot Serving, 192 IU of Vitamin D2
Mushrooms, Portabella, Exposed to Ultraviolet Light, Raw, Vitamin D2, 446 IU
Mushrooms, Portabella, Exposed to Ultraviolet Light, Grilled, Vitamin D2, 524 IU
Mushrooms, Shiitake, Dried, Vitamin D2, 154 IU


Alfalfa Shoot Serving, 4 IU of Vitamin D3

(This is generally only found in Animal Proteins / Products)

***We are not endorsing this, as we believe in a strictly Non-Animal Product based diet***

Fatty Fish Species such as:
Catfish, 3oz serving, 425 IU
Salmon, cooked, 100g serving, 360 IU
Mackerel, cooked, 100g serving, 345 IU
Sardines, canned in oil, 50g, 250 IU
Tuna, canned in oil, 100g, 235 IU
Eel, cooked, 100g, 200 IU

• Whole Egg: 20 IU (Based on 60g weight)
• Beef Liver, cooked, 100g, 15 IU
• Fish Liver Oils (ie Cod Liver Oil), 1 Tbs (15ml) provides *1360 IU

* Highest concentration of Vitamin D3 among Animal Sources

• Tocopgerols & Tocotrienols
• Anti-Oxidant
• Enzymatic Activity Regulator
• Modulates Gene Expression
• Plays a Role in Neurological Functions
• Inhibits Platelet Aggregation (Thins Blood)

(Amount of Vitamin E per 100g)
Wheat Germ Oil 150mg
Sunflower Oil 41mg
Safflower Oil 34 mg
Nuts and Nut Oils, ie Almonds & Hazelnuts, 15-26 mg
Spinach, Turnip, Beet, Collard & Dandelion Greens, 1.5 – 3.4 mg
Avocados 2.1 mg
Asparagus 1.1 – 1.5mg
Kiwifruit 1.5 mg
Broccoli 0.78 – 1.5 mg
Pumpkin 0.8 – 1mg
Sweet Potato 0.26-0.94mg

Blood Coagulation
Bone Metabolism
Vascular Biology


(Highest Amount listed only)
Kale, cooked, 531 μg
Parsley, raw (1/2 cup), 492 μg
Spinach, cooked, 444 μg
Collard, cooked, 418 μg
Swiss Chard, cooked, 287 μg
Mustard Greens, cooked, 210 μg
Turnip Greens, cooked, 265 μg
Broccoli, cooked, 110 μg
Brussel Sprouts, cooked, 109 μg
Cabbage, cooked, 82 μg

Found mainly in Leafy Green Vegetables such as Spinach, Swiss Chard, and Brassica (e.g. cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli and brussel sprouts); some fruits such as avocado, kiwifruit and grapes are also high in Vitamin K.

*2 Tablespoons of Parsely = 153% of Recommended Daily Amount of Vitamin K
(Based on 1/2 Cup Serving Size)
Kale, cooked 531 Ug

Eat a few sprigs of Parsley for a punch of Vitamin K!

It was found that α-tocopherol levels of certain Apricots were higher than virtually any other fruit available. Also, this is astounding!

What are Anti-Oxidants ? What are they working against ? Why are they “Anti” ? They are thought to destroy free radicals in your body. Free Radicals are bad, because they “Oxidize” your cells. Oxidation overtime is what is thought to cause the process of degeneration or aging. If you can stop “Oxidation”, well you could freeze the hands of time.

This is why Anti-Oxidants always get so many shout-outs by Health gurus, and fellows like Dr. Oz. It’s all about the Anti-Oxidants my friends.

So they studied the Anti-Oxidant levels in Apricots by doing something called a DPPH test. This is fancy talk for measuring the powers of antioxidants in various scenarios.

The Apricots scored high in the studies, demonstrating the ability to fight myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Also, the subjects who received the Apricot extracts, were seen to have a significant decrease in LPO (Lipid Perdoxidation Results) in the Hearts.

This effect was seen in multiple Apricot varieties.

This is great news which means you don’t have to eat only a Hunza Apricot to be Superman or Superwoman!

All the studies did have one MAJOR conclusion. While ALL Apricots are amazing for you, they all contain different compounds and vitamins in varying amounts, depending on the location where the plant was grown.

Also, sunlight, soil type, climatic differences and location where the plant grows will dramatically influence the personality and ultimate nutrient profile of the specific fruit.

The amount of super powerful vitamins, age-defying anti-oxidants, life-extending substances, magical minerals, and even SUGAR may vary from region to region because of the elements contained in the specific soil unique to where a particular fruit grows!!!

When you start to consider environmental factors, and then add genetic factors, your nutrient profile starts to dramatically vary from fruit to fruit. Like a person, Genes and Environment are the dynamic combination that makes us special and unique.

And fruit, as a living, breathing organism, with life force or “Qi”, is no different. We are the same. Animals, Plants, and Minerals all have life force. Yes minerals too — please do not forget them.

You start to see that the very cycle of life shares something extraordinary — everything is ALIVE.

Love and respect to the glorious and graceful people — The Hunza.

Thank you for your magic.
Thank you for your sagacity.
Thank you for your beauty.
Thank you for teaching us what is important.
Thank you for reminding us.

Lovingly Written By Dustin Siena, L.Ac.

Growing Your Own Fruitworld: Volume 1

Felt inspired to share that as Springtime beckons, it’s a fun time to try all of our favorite fruits.

Living in So Cal, I am fortunate in that we can grow just about anything in this climate.


With over 200 different fruit trees, bushes and vines growing on our property, we have some tasty & delcious treats.



How did this happen?

Well, I had always loved herbs. I am an Herbalist by profession, and knowledge of plants has been much if what I have dedicated my life to for the last 20 years.


But knowing the medicine of plants, and growing the medicine of plants, are two entirely different things.

To know simply is not to grow. And to grow is what we all strive for. A deeper understanding of how life becomes medicine.


So this connection to Plant Medicine was the bridge to buying my first fruit trees.

We had just moved from Montana to Thousand Oaks, California. And “big sky” country as they call the great state of Montana must have rubbed off on me.


My wife and I drove to a local nursery. As soon as we stepped out of our vehicle, the smell of jasmine seduced us. The fragrance of Orange blossoms captured our senses. There it was. We realized it. Plain and simple. We are Californians and we must grow the prerequisuite fruit — CITRUS. If we could make freshly squeezed Orange Juice then this would be a good start.

But is it that simple ? Valencia Oranges vs the rich pigment of blood Oranges, which many say taste like an Orange meeting a Rasberry, A Tarocco Orange, that supposedly hail from Mount Aetna, Italy. Hail Caesar!

We started with the standard issue Valencia Orange tree. Would this be the end of the story ?


Not even close.

But we proudly came home and planted our Valencia Orange Tree on our South Facing Hill. And Valencia Oranges are known as among the best for juicing.

So we began with Valencia. Little did we know that the Valencia road lead to other worlds that we take us around the Fruit Universe, transporting us to virtually every continent in the world. Everything from Vietnamese Michele Chamoaca to Indian Alphonso Mangos to Paperskin Macademia Nuts from Hawaii.


We would navigate the world through fruit.

Guava Go Time: Pinapple Guava, Zuzu’s Pedals

Pineapple Guava. Whats cool about this plant is that the flower pedals are edible, and taste like cotton candy.

Latin: : Feijoa sellowiana syn. Acca sellowiana

The fruit is a non-tropical Guava, that is thought to have a taste similar to a Pineapple. In my experience, each variety will vary, and the more common Nazemetz taste like a cross between a mint and a rose.

This plant is easy to grow, has beautiful leaves, and is hearty enough to survive the So.Cal heat, and lack of moisture.

All the Varieties are a bit different, and the ones that I grow on my property are Mammoth, Nazemetz, and Coolidge.

Here’s a list of Pineapple Guava Cultivars:


Medium to large, oval fruit. Smooth, thin, light-green skin with blue-green surface bloom, subject to bruising and purpling. Pulp well-developed, slightly gritty. Flavor very pleasant, quality excellent. Ripens mid to late-season. Tree upright and spreading, to 8 ft. tall, vigorous and productive. Self-fertile, and will pollinate Gemini.

Originated in Australia. Small to medium-sized, round to oval fruit, 2 to 3-1/2 inches long. Skin fairly smooth. Flavor and quality good. Ripens in midseason. Tree moderately vigorous, spreading. Almost or always, but not less than 42% self-fertile.

Originated in Australia prior to 1908. Small to medium-sized fruit, 4 or more inches in length and 2-1/2 inches in diameter. Form pyriform to oblong or elongated. Skin somewhat wrinkled. Flavor mild, indifferent quality. Tree upright and strong growing, a reliable and heavy bearer, 100% self-fertile. The most widely planted cultivar in California.
Edenvale Improved Coolidge

Originated in Santa Cruz, Calif. by Frank Serpa of Edenvale Nurseries. Large, oblong fruit of very good to excellent flavor and quality. Ripens in October. Tree slow growing. Self-fertile, precocious and productive. Grows best in climates similar to cool, coastal ares of southern California.

Edenvale Late
From Edenvale Nurseries. Mediuim-sized, oblong fruit of very good to excellent flavor and quality. Ripens late, in January,and over a long period of time. Tree slow growing. Self-fertile, very productive. Grows best in climates similar to cool, coastal areas of southern California.

Edenvale Supreme
From Edenvale Nurseries. Medium-sized, oblong fruit of very good to excellent flavor and quality. Ripens in November. Best eaten soon after harvest. Tree slow growing. Self-fertile, precocious and productive. Grows best in climates similar to cool, coastal areas of southern California.

Fruit small to medium, egg-shaped. Skin very smooth, thin, dark green with a heavy bloom. Flavor and texture excellent. Ripens in early autumn, earlier than Apollo. Tree upright, spreading, to 8 ft tall. Moderately vigorous, high yielding, partially self-fruitful, but cross pollination is recommended for best fruit quality.

Selected in New Zealand from seedlings of the Choiceana. Large, round to oval fruit, to 8-1/2 ounces, resembling Coolidge. Skin thick, somewhat wrinkled. Flesh somewhat gritty, quality and flavor very good. Matures early in midseason. Softer and not as good a shipper as Triumph. Tree of upright habit, to 10 ft. tall, strong growing. Self-fertile, but bears larger fruit, with cross-pollination.

Large, flavorsome fruit. Ripens in midseason. Very vigorous plant. Recommended for California.

Originated in San Diego, Calif. by Alexander Nazemetz. Large, pear-shaped fruit, averaging 3 ounce in weight. Side walls moderately thin. Pulp translucent and sweet. Flavor and quality excellent. Ripens in late October to mid-December. Unlike that of many other cultivars, the pulp of Nazemetz does not darken after being cut or as it ripens, but retains its clear color. Tree self-fertile, but bears most heavily when cross-pollinated. Good pollinator for Trask.

Pineapple Gem
Originated in Azusa, Calif. by Monrovia Nursery. Small, round fruit of good to very good quality. Mid to late season ripening. Tree self-fruitful but bears heavier crops if pollinated. Does poorly under cool, coastal conditions.

Originated as a bud sport of Coolidge. Medium to large, oblong fruit, up to 3-1/2 inches long and weighing 3 to 5 ounces. Rough, dark green skin. Shells thicker and grittier than Coolidge. Flavor and quality good to very good. Ripens early. Tree self-fertile, but most productive when cross-pollinated. Precocious. Ideal pollinator for Nazemetz.

Selected in New Zealand from seedlings of the Choiceana cultivar. Short, oval, plump fruits., not pointed as those of Coolidge, medium to large. Skin uneven but firm. Flesh somewhat gritty but with good seed to pulp ratio. Excellent sharp flavor. Ripens to midseason. Tree upright, of medium vigor. Bears heavily if pollinated. Good pollinator for Mammoth.

This is considered a “Non-Tropical” Guava, and falls in a similar category as other Non-Tropical Guavas such as Strawberry Guava & Lemon Guava.

If you live in Southern California, then go for the Tropical Guavas!

You might like the ability to eat the flower pedals of the Pineapple Guava, but the size of these fruit are very small, and most of them need a pollinator, which means you need to buy 2 different varieties of Pineapple Guava to get an abundance of fruit.

These guys look like Guavas when you crack them open, but do not have that “Tropical” or “Hawaiian Punch” knock-out flavor.

That Starburst style burst of Guava flavor is not present in any of the Pineapple, Lemon, or Strawberry Non-Tropical Guavas.

But if you wanna munch on some flower pedals during a nice spring day in April, then a Pineapple Guava could fit the bill.

And the flowers are sure perdy….